Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Happy Holidays to One and All

It is the Christmas season - and it is always hard.  I enjoyed the tree and presents and cooking together that your mom and I used to do.  After Taylor was born, I had the joy of watching him love the tree and presents, and after Emmerson, the fun of watching her open something wrapped up for her.

But after losing Shellee and you both nine years ago. I could let it cripple me, or choose to move forward with a positive attitude that there ARE people out there who love and respect me and there WILL be even more if I let them in

Merry Christmas to all, and we WILL all have a happy new year - despite the political situation of the United States.


Grandma Nici

Monday, November 26, 2018

Doctor Who and the end of an era

I love Doctor Who - and the fact that there have been new doctors after it seemed that the series was dead in the water has been amazing!!!  PBS in the late 70’s starting running all episodes from the beginning and I taped them every Sunday night on my VHS recorder that allowed ONE timer setting. I came home every Sunday from a late meeting and watched the newest recording. Fell in love. Still am.  I hear the new doctor will be a woman....can't wait!!!  Of course, the writers may not be any good, so we will see how good the stories are.

Sadly, my boyfriend of 8 years and I have decided to be just friends.  One of the biggest losses (other than the emotional) is, perhaps, the loss of family for someone who doesn't have any. My ex had family, which meant bar-b-ques and baseball games, and piano recitals and holidays, and children who have known me since before they could walk and were always thrilled to see me (altho no one ever called me Grandma cause I was just the girlfriend). Unlike a divorce where the ex can still hang out, the ex-girlfriend is an ex-ex. 

Now it feels like I am EX everywhere.  But I'm going to keep writing here because one day....

We got our first snowfall already!!!

Love and Kisses

Grandma Nici

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Kittens and Class Reunions

Happiness reigns at my house.  I caught both of the kittens and found out one of them is already gentle enough to pick up and pet.  The other....not so much.  There names are Taz (the grey tabby - after the name your mom gave my kitty, Kaz) and KoKo (the white lynx tabby - after the kitties in the books by Lillian Braun).  I sure hope KoKo will get tame too.  They get along very well.  Next job is to have them neutered (they are both boys) and see if I can get them adopted by someone or ones.  We will see!!  

Meanwhile, I went to my 50th High School class reunion in Highland, Illinois - a town near where Grandpa and Grandma Mahlandt live.  I visited with your mom's father...Curtiss...and his brother, your Great-Uncle Neil and his wife Janet and met a couple of your 2nd cousins.  Your other two Great-Uncles have passed away but there are some first and second cousins around.  You won't know anything about your Grandfather, but he has always hoped to meet you both.  He has pictures of you and your mom he keeps in his wallet.  Perhaps someday you can meet and know us both.  Who knows!!!

Love and kisses,

Grandma Nici

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Downton Abbey is in Town

I was a big Downton Abbey fan while it was on television.  New York is hosting an exhibit of the show with clothes, letters, sets, and scenery including whole rooms.  I am going tomorrow and am very excited.  Maybe I can sit at the dining room table and pretend I am on the set!!!

Love you both

Grandma Nici

Monday, August 20, 2018

Beach Weather and Kitty Kats

It's August and the weather has been nice and hot.  I've been to the beach twice and I just love it there.  I get too brown, which is bad for the skin, but I kinda also like how I look brown.  This will probably be the last year...age is catching up with me.  Went to see Gordon Lightfoot in a small concert - look him up...he did "story songs".  He is still pretty strong, despite his age.

I decided to start doing some good.  A cat had kittens at my apartment building and they got away (old enough to jump) before I could capture them.  But there are a few other feral cats around the building so I bought a trap and have begun trapping them and having them neutered.  Then I release them back into the wild (they can't be tamed, unfortunately).  There are two kittens, however - a white one that is the only surviving one from the kitten litter (the mother and 3 others disappeared) and a grey tabby that has begun hanging out with him.  I'm going to try and capture them and maybe they will be young enough to socialize and get them adopted.  Here's hoping!!

There is a lot of talk about gun ownership right now because of all the school shootings in the United States.  I am really glad the two of you don't have to worry about that sort of thing in Monaco.  An interesting story though (think about this.....) there was a kid who stole a plane, thinking he could fly because he played video games.  Course, he crashed the plan, over.  Do you wonder if kids will think the same thing about guns because of the games?

Friday, July 13, 2018

Happy Birthday Taylor

Happy Happy Birthday to Taylor - a HUGE 12 year old this year.  Are you shaving yet?  Ha Ha

Friday, June 8, 2018

June is NOT warm

It has been an extremely cold June here in the northeast.  We had two snow blizzards in May, and on June 4 it was only 63 degrees.  I don't know what weather is like in Monaco, but for here that is VERY cold.  I wanted to turn on the heat in the apartment, but they had already switched over to air conditioning.  So I am in jeans, a sweater, shoes and socks.  Normally, I would be at the beach in the sun!!  Well, I am going this weekend so it had better be nice!!

Going back to Florida for July 4th to see the fireworks.  They are always good.  Although I can also see the fireworks in New York from my balcony which faces that direction!!

here's hoping for warmer weather soon!!