Happy 4th of July my dear ones. I know England and Monaco don't celebrate, but it is the Happy Birthday for the United States. Lots of fireworks this year in New Jersey and New York and Grandma was in a perfect spot to see them all.
It has finally gotten nice and warm. The sun is very nice and the sky is blue (when it isn't raining, that is). Lots and lots of rain this year so the grass and flowers and trees are all nice and green and blooming with color.
Grandma is enjoying spending weekends in New York going to the theater and the movies and concerts by bands she liked when she was younger. Do you have any favorite bands right now?
I know Taylor's birthday is just a week away....I will send Happy Birthday wishes out to you, flying through the sky, with lots of hugs and kisses.
I saw the pictures of you both skiing and was very proud of you both for getting out there and doing so well. Between skiing, and tennis, and gymnastics you are staying very fit!
I love you both very much and always miss you.
Grandma Nici