Friday, November 21, 2014

Almost Thanksgiving!

My goodness, can it already be almost Thanksgiving?  It looks like you two had a wonderful vacation this year in Italy.  Grandma went to Florida again, and guess what?  She bought a new house.  It's big enough for you both to visit someday and stay for a little while.  We can enjoy the beach, drive up to Orlando for DisneyWorld and really have some fun together.

I am going back after Christmas to start getting the things that I will need - sheets, towels, dishes, all the stuff needed to make a house a home.  I won't be living there for another couple of years but at least it will be ready.

I will be spending Thanksgiving at my friend's daughters house with their family and children.  It will be really nice, but I will wish the children were you both.

As always, I miss you both and think about you almost every day.  It seems like I always say that, but I mean it so much.  Each time I see your pictures, or think of you, my heart hurts more.  But someday, somehow, we will be together again.
