Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Kittens and Class Reunions

Happiness reigns at my house.  I caught both of the kittens and found out one of them is already gentle enough to pick up and pet.  The other....not so much.  There names are Taz (the grey tabby - after the name your mom gave my kitty, Kaz) and KoKo (the white lynx tabby - after the kitties in the books by Lillian Braun).  I sure hope KoKo will get tame too.  They get along very well.  Next job is to have them neutered (they are both boys) and see if I can get them adopted by someone or ones.  We will see!!  

Meanwhile, I went to my 50th High School class reunion in Highland, Illinois - a town near where Grandpa and Grandma Mahlandt live.  I visited with your mom's father...Curtiss...and his brother, your Great-Uncle Neil and his wife Janet and met a couple of your 2nd cousins.  Your other two Great-Uncles have passed away but there are some first and second cousins around.  You won't know anything about your Grandfather, but he has always hoped to meet you both.  He has pictures of you and your mom he keeps in his wallet.  Perhaps someday you can meet and know us both.  Who knows!!!

Love and kisses,

Grandma Nici