Sunday, December 13, 2009

December 2009

Mommy will let you go with me on Sunday mornings to have breakfast.  Baby sister takes her nap and we walk down the street to a diner and eat together.  It is our special time.  Sometimes you jump in the leaves left over from fall.  And sometimes we throw snowballs at buildings.  Grandma is very careful about what we order and what time we get back.  We play with baby sister for a while, then you and I go to the playroom while she sleeps.  When it's your naptime Grandma goes back home.  I love you sweet boy.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

November 2009

Grandma can finally see you and baby sister.  I have to come to your house and spend the afternoon, but that's ok.  I don't mind what I need to do as long as I can see and play with you both.  You are getting so big!!  You know how to go potty all by yourself with no help and you have new toys.  I brought some of the toys from my house you liked to play with and we play together.

Monday, August 17, 2009

August 2009

Mommy can't see you or baby Emmerson for a while.  I'm so sorry.  I miss you very much and love you.  Mommy and Daddy don't like Grandma's friend and they are afraid he might see you, or that Grandma will do something else wrong.  I will keep trying my sweet boy.  I love you and will do whatever I can to make sure you are always in my life.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 2009

You got a mosquito bite on your eyelid while we were playing in the rain.  You are so allergic, but I thought it would be ok.  You wanted to sleep in my bed tonight.  Maybe you knew it would be the last time you would be at Grandma's house.  The swelling had gone down by morning so I took you to school.  Mommy and Daddy got mad at me for letting you go to school because the swelling got much worse.  The doctor said don't worry about it - it's just an allergy to mosquitos - but they weren't happy.  And Daddy didn't like the lunch Grandma made for you, even though it was things Mommy had always said was ok.  Peanut butter on wheat bread, applesause for a snack, a granola bar and a little bit of watermelon left from the day before.

Monday, June 8, 2009

June 2009

Grandma has permission to let you come home with me and spend Sundays.  We spend each Sunday doing fun things.  In the evening we sit together on the couch - you wrapped in my arms - and we watch your favorite videos.  You love Cars and The Incredibles.  On Mondays I walk with you to Bright Start Daycare.  Sometimes you don't want to walk and want to be carried.  I don't think you really want to be carried.  You just like wrapping your arms around my neck as I whisper in your ear.

Friday, May 1, 2009

May 2009

Mommy and Daddy got a new house.  You and baby sister Emmerson went with them.  Grandma spent a week every month since you were born with you.  And since August of 2007 you lived in Grandma's house.  I love you Taylor James.  And baby sister Emmerson too.