Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 2009

You got a mosquito bite on your eyelid while we were playing in the rain.  You are so allergic, but I thought it would be ok.  You wanted to sleep in my bed tonight.  Maybe you knew it would be the last time you would be at Grandma's house.  The swelling had gone down by morning so I took you to school.  Mommy and Daddy got mad at me for letting you go to school because the swelling got much worse.  The doctor said don't worry about it - it's just an allergy to mosquitos - but they weren't happy.  And Daddy didn't like the lunch Grandma made for you, even though it was things Mommy had always said was ok.  Peanut butter on wheat bread, applesause for a snack, a granola bar and a little bit of watermelon left from the day before.

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