Monday, August 22, 2011

Beach Time Baby

Hello my sweet ones.  Grandma just got back from the beach at Point Pleasant and I thought of you the whole time.  I have pictures from when Taylor went with Mommy and Daddy to Miami and he played on the beach with a bucket and shovel making sand castles.  The first year you were afraid to go into the water, but the second year Daddy took you in the pool.  You weren't afraid after that.  I hope you get to go to the ocean in France and Emmerson will learn to like the water too.  Grandma loves to go swimming and play in the sand.  It would be so nice to play in the sand and water with you both.  Someday we will do that.

I watched the videos of Taylor learning to play tennis today.  I transferred them to my phone so I could show them to other people - I'm so proud of you!!  You didn't give up and kept trying to hit the ball over the net until you did it THREE times in a row - and you were only four years old!!   Good Boy!!!

I love you both very much and miss you terribly.  The new Toy Story 3 and Kung Fu Panda movies came out this year and I pretended like we were all watching them together.  I think you would have liked Captain America too.  You are fighters and good at heart just like him.  I really hope you are both well and happy and learning French so you can have lots of friends.  I worry about your being able to talk to other boys and girls in your school and neighborhood.  And that you will come back to American schools so you can really use your intelligence and get into a wonderful college when you are a big boy and girl.

I miss you so much.  Remember I would talk to you all the time if Mommy and Daddy would allow me to call you on the videophone.  Good night sweet babies.

Grandma Nici

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