Monday, December 5, 2011

Happy Holidays

Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone.  I'm sorry you weren't here to celebrate it with me.  I made a lovely little turkey with my special cranberry dressing, along with the famous green beans and sweet potatoes.  Very traditional - just the way we've always done it.  Emmerson, you never ate Grandma's special meal, but Taylor did and he always gobbled them up!

Christmas is coming and Grandma's lights are up outside the house, and inside the house up the staircase.  No Christmas tree this year - the part of the house I live in is just too small for a tree.  But Grandma took her big wreath to work and it is up just beside her desk - and I decorated a lot of the rest of the area too so it looks nice and festive.

A friend came to visit from home this weekend and it was quite nice walking all over New York and showing her your latest pictures.  You are both getting so big!!  Congratulations for potty training to Em - that's a big step and good job Taylor for getting so good in your French.  I am always so proud of both of you.

I love you both very much and miss you as always.

Grandma Nici

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