It HAS been a while. Lots has happened. The fixator appliance that was attached to my arm to make sure the bones all healed right was removed - ANOTHER surgery - the end of July, so now it's just work, work, work to make sure my arm, wrist and fingers learn how to work again. Taylor, do you remember when Emmerson was a tiny tiny baby? How her fingers didn't work very well and she had to learn how to hold things, and open things? My hand is like that. It has almost no strength, so I have to use my left hand to open doors, and turn keys, and button my buttons, and use a fork, or brush my teeth. It's very interesting to see how much my left hand can do when my right hand was used to doing it. I even learned to use my mouse with my left hand!!
Now the fun news. Grandma is going to take a cruise on a really big boat to a tropical island for a whole week. The main thing is to avoid the two hurricanes that are trying to get in my way. But it should be fun when the ship starts rocking from side to side. I wonder if all the water in the swimming pool will slosh over the sides and into the ocean? Wouldn't that be funny to watch?
I hope your summer is lots of fun and you are getting all ready for school in a few weeks. It will be nice to make new friends and say hello to old ones.
I love you both and miss you very much. Be good, both of you, and a big giant kiss from Grandma!
Grandma Nici
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