Tuesday, May 19, 2015

It's May Already??

Wow, here it is May already and we still haven't had much warm weather.  Only about one week of temperatures above 70 degrees every day.  Wow!!  It's certainly meant not having to use the air conditioner though!

I've been doing a lot of cleaning out of  "stuff" the last couple of years.  Taylor might remember living with Grandma, or maybe not - you were very little when you left.  Anyway, I know that someday soon I will need to sell the house and get an apartment so there won't be a lot of extra room for tools, and suitcases, and things that lay around on tables just to look pretty.  So I've sold some, and given a lot away, and taken some to the new condo in Florida for the future.  Even if I don't live in that one, I think I'm going to live in Florida when I stop working.  It is inexpensive and easy to find someone to care for me when I will need it.

My foot is hurt now.  Wouldn't you just know it!  Summer is just around the corner when I really like to get out a do a lot of things, and I can barely walk back and forth to work.  But I'm going to exercise it a lot, and use ice, so perhaps it will be back feeling good in a couple of months.  Hopefully before summer is over!!

Your summer vacation is probably starting pretty soon too, isn't it?  I watched a movie about Monaco the other night on television and the city is so pretty with lots to do every weekend.

Miss you, as always, and sending you my love and lots of kisses.

Grandma Nici

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