Monday, January 23, 2017

President What's His Name

*sigh*, well our new president has been installed in office.  We will see what happens.  I predict a long series of one disaster after another because he really doesn't know anything about politics.  He is used to sitting in his office and telling people how things are going to be.  You can't do that in American politics.

The best friend of my friend is very sick and has been in the hospital since Thanksgiving.  I'm not sure he will come home.  I guess I have been surprised at how unemotional my friend is.  That is sort of telling, as I have noticed the same thing about our relationship as well.  No one wants a person who fawns all over them, but hand-holding in times of stress is always very nice.  Never been afraid to hold someone's hand and ask them "Is there anything I can do to help?"  Even if there isn't, you have asked, and it is a kind a beautiful thing to do for a friend or loved one.

We finally got snow.  It was a late winter, but it arrived at last.  I wonder if spring will be like last year - there wasn't one.  It just went from cold to hot, nothing in between.

Do you remember when you played with Thomas the Train.  You had all the names of all the cars memorized and would build tracks all over the floor.  One of my fondest memories.

I love you TWO

Grandma Nici

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